Sunday, December 22, 2013

December 6, 2013 Babe it is cold outside

HAPPY 2nd WEEK OF DECEMBER! :) Y'all getting excited for Christmas yet?? Everything is happening so fast!! Kylee is half way through her senior year......she's rocking the basketball court!! (tell that girl I haven't heard from her in a while and that I miss her) Kodi goes into the MTC next week!! so so exciting :) Seth and Bay had a baby, And Christmas is right around the corner.......kind of makes me sad to think how fast the time is going :( Sounds like the missionary work in the ward is progressing like crazy!! That is some pretty great news! How's work? When do you get out for Christmas break?
Okay you probably already know BUT......It was freezing cold this past week!! Oh it was awful! the Texas cold is a lot worse than the Utah cold!! the humidity bits through your skin!! sssoooooo crazy!
So here is a more intense outline of me and sister tucks "typical" week of MISSIONARY adventure! :)
           MONDAY: this day is P day :) its a lovely day that we wake up and do the regular routine. Work out, get ready eat breakfast and study for two hours, One is personal where I get to study my scriptures and all that fun stuff. And one is companion where we get together and figure out different things that we will be teaching that day and what not. FUN STUFF! Then we get all of our laundry together and take it over to a members house to do. (super nice so we don't have to pay for it)  we have a car and I am currently designated driver. Then we pick up the elders and go to the library to email our president and our families and friends! :) After we wash the car and do some grocery shopping! Then we have the rest of the time (our p day is from 10-6) to do whatever. Clean the apartment, write letters, nap (I like that one) or sometimes we go to P-Day activity which involves all the missionaries in our area getting together and playing volleyball, basketball or card games. haha We love it. Then that night we shared some scriptures with a lady named Deloris. She is super sweet. Every Monday night at eight we go to sister Riehers house (a less active) to share a message and play Joker. its kind of like sorry. But I love it I'm actually pretty good! ;)
TUESDAY: This day we usually go to district meeting. We pick up the elders and drive to the stake center where all the missionaries in the area will meet for their district meeting. I love this meeting :) I learn so much and its fun to be with all of the elders! Then we all go to lunch afterwards. We had dinner with some members, knocked some doors and ended the night with an awesome lesson with our investigators Aylinn. She is so funny. She loves the show dr. who. Never have heard of it but it sounds like its pretty big. PS. it was around 80 degrees this day! Texas is really bipolar.
WEDNESDAY: An older lady named Mildred had us over for lunch today. She fed us a thanksgiving feast!! I was so full after I could barely walk back to our car. Then we drove out to Mcgregor (about 30 mins away) to help a member clean up her house. She's getting ready to move so they need to help getting things in order! Okay so....she has two baby kittens that are just too cute!! Maybe when I get home we can convince dad in getting another baby kitty.......we will see.
THURSDAY: Thursdays are kind of long for me. We are in the apartment for a long time planning everything for the next week. I love being outside working not in the apartment lounging around....feels weird. BUT it has to be done in order to have a successful week! There is a lot of planning and organizing that goes into missionary work. I would have never guessed....So when we finished planning, we got ready to go out and work. BUT once we stepped outside we ran right back in crying of pain because it was so cold!! Time to rack out the tights, boots, scarfs, and jackets!! Finally after we got all together we went out and knocked some doors. and MAN was it just so miserable! We would be out for about.... 15 mins and have to run back to the car and warm back up! Poor elders on thankful for the car.
FRIDAY: Today was when Sister Barton had to come rescue us! We had an appointment with Ricardo at the new church building at ten. And we asked her to come help teach and so we were planning on just meeting her there. BUT to our surprise, everything was totally iced over! We couldn't even get into our car. And we had nothing to scrap it all of with. SO......Sister Tuck grabbed a metal spoon and I grabbed one of our frying pans and we went to work!! Didn't get to far before Jill pulled up and saved us!! Love that women :) She offered her house to teach the lesson and it was wonderful :) After we did some less active work around the area and then headed to down town Waco to have dinner with Erica and Charels Bolden! We love them lots :) she is so funny makes me laugh so hard.  Anyway, then we headed to bruiseville to work for the night. We picked up Morgan a young women in the ward so that she could help us teach. John and his family are some people we are seeing. We taught the first lesson to them and it was sooo cool the way they interacted! There was a part though when sister tuck was telling them about joseph smith when me and morgan happen to see a mouse run across the room!! YUCK!! oh I was going to barf. We both looked at each other and started freaking out. haha.
SATURDAY: Today we went and helped Sister Rieher set up Christmas decorations. Makes me all excited for the holidays. After we went to the church and helped clean the nursery toys. Even inside the church it was freezing! There was this little piano toy that played a couple of while we would clean we would listen to them over and over again haha :) we missionaries can entertain ourselves so easily.....
SUNDAY: CHURCH WAS CANCLED TODAY!! soooooo weird not to have church as a missionary. We were shocked ....didn't know what to do!! the roads were so bad we had to stay inside for most of the day. SO BORING!! but we didn't have time to make our ginger bread houses so that was fun! :) Every night after me and sister Tuck plan for the next day, we get in our pjs and read our Christmas story for the night! I love it :)
Transfers are this week!! Sister Tuck is leaving :( I understand though she has been here in Waco her whole mission! Crazy. My new comps name is Sister Nelson......Exciting! Hope everything goes well I will have to let you know how it goes!
Thank you for all the love! I feel it daily! I love you all more than you can imagine! Hope you have a wonderful week :)
-Sister Porter

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